The First Coaching Session

4 min readFeb 27, 2024

The structure and outcome of the first coaching session play a crucial role in establishing rapport, clarifying goals, and laying the groundwork for a successful coaching relationship.
Here’s a suggested structure along with potential outcomes for the first coaching session:

The Structure:

  1. Introduction and Rapport Building:
  • Begin the session by introducing yourself and explaining your coaching approach and style.
  • Take a few moments to build rapport with the client, establishing trust and creating a comfortable environment for open communication.

2. Clarify Coaching Agreement:

  • Review and discuss the coaching agreement, including confidentiality, session logistics, and expectations for both the coach and the client.
  • Ensure that the client understands the coaching process and feels comfortable moving forward.

3. Explore Client’s Agenda:

  • Invite the client to share their agenda for the session and what they hope to achieve through coaching.
  • Use active listening and powerful questioning techniques to explore the client’s goals, challenges, and desired outcomes.

4. Assess Current Situation:

  • Encourage the client to reflect on their current situation, including strengths, areas for growth, and any obstacles they may be facing.
  • Help the client gain clarity on their priorities and identify any underlying patterns or beliefs that may be impacting their progress.

5. Establish Goals and Focus Areas:

  • Collaborate with the client to define specific, measurable goals for coaching and prioritize focus areas for the sessions.
  • Ensure that the goals are aligned with the client’s values, aspirations, and long-term vision for personal or professional development.

6. Co-Create Action Plan:

  • Brainstorm potential strategies and actions that the client can take to work towards their goals.
  • Break down the action steps into manageable tasks and establish timelines for implementation.
  • Encourage the client to take ownership of their action plan and commit to taking concrete steps towards their desired outcomes.

7. Wrap-Up and Next Steps:

  • Summarize the key insights and action items discussed during the session.
  • Confirm any follow-up tasks or assignments and schedule the next coaching session.
  • Express gratitude for the client’s participation and reaffirm your commitment to supporting them on their journey.

The Potential Outcomes:

  1. Increased Clarity and Focus:
  • The client gains clarity on their goals, priorities, and areas for growth, enabling them to focus their efforts more effectively.

2. Enhanced Self-Awareness:

  • Through reflection and exploration, the client gains deeper insights into their strengths, values, and potential blind spots.

3. Empowerment and Motivation:

  • The client feels empowered and motivated to take proactive steps towards achieving their goals, supported by a clear action plan.

4. Established Trust and Rapport:

  • A strong foundation of trust and rapport is established between the coach and the client, fostering a supportive and collaborative relationship.

5. Aligned Expectations:

  • Both the coach and the client have a clear understanding of their roles, responsibilities, and expectations for the coaching process.

6. Commitment to Growth:

  • The client commits to ongoing personal or professional growth, recognizing coaching as a valuable resource for support and development.

By following this structure and focusing on these potential outcomes, the first coaching session can set the stage for a transformative and rewarding coaching journey for both the coach and the client.

Here are some don’ts to consider:


  1. Assume Assumptions:
  • Avoid making assumptions about the client’s needs or goals without first discussing them openly.
  • Allow the client to express themselves fully before offering any suggestions or recommendations.

2. Dominate the Conversation:

  • Resist the temptation to dominate the conversation or impose your own agenda onto the client.
  • Actively listen and allow the client ample time to express themselves without interruption.

3. Offer Unsolicited Advice:

  • Refrain from offering unsolicited advice or solutions without first understanding the client’s perspective and preferences.
  • Instead, focus on asking probing questions and guiding the client to discover their own insights and solutions.

4. Jump to Conclusions:

  • Avoid jumping to conclusions or making judgments based on limited information.
  • Take the time to explore the client’s experiences and perspectives in-depth before drawing any conclusions.

5. Overwhelm with Information:

  • Be mindful not to overwhelm the client with too much information or too many action items during the first session.
  • Focus on prioritizing key areas for growth and development that the client feels comfortable addressing.

6. Neglect Follow-Up:

  • Ensure that you follow up with the client after the session to provide any additional resources or support they may need.
  • Schedule regular check-ins to review progress and adjust strategies as needed.

By following the above structure and don’ts, you can set the stage for a productive and collaborative coaching relationship that supports the client’s growth and development effectively.




A traveler of both time and be where I want to be…find me another space in another time.